Hello. Thank you for your interest in my massage therapy practice. Below is a brief summary of my training, education and philosophy, and I'm always happy to answer any other questions you might have.
I'm a fully licensed massage therapist in Washington, DC and a current member of the Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals. I graduated with over 600 hours of hands on training and education from the Northern Virginia School of Therapeutic Massage, and completed another 500 hours of study at the National Personal Training Institute where I earned certification as a personal trainer. I'm passionate about ice hockey (go Caps!) which I play regularly and have been a competitive athlete and former ski instructor for much of my adult life. As a result, I bring a solid understanding of the human body, anatomy and physiology to my practice.
In addition to this training and experience, I’m guided by a well-developed healing intuition. I believe the power of touch extends far beyond the physical and look to leave my clients feeling grounded and balanced. My sessions are designed to provide a mix of personalized therapeutic work with profound relaxation.
"Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others, cannot keep it from themselves."
– James M. Barrie